WMS - Pick Release Options

WMS - Pick Release Options

Pick Release

Logistics → Wave Picking → Pick Release

  1. Select a Client from the drop down.

  2. This will list all the existing wave configurations for the selected client in sequence order.

  3. Choose a release method. This method determines the order of dispatches for picking.

SKU Sequence release method helps improve efficiency.

Grouping based on what items are most in demand. SKUs with most quantity ordered, at the top of the list.

Date release method makes sure that older dispatches are not overlooked, even if all dispatches can’t be completed in a day.

Grouping based on the Dispatch create date. Earliest to latest dispatch date

  1. Select the Wave Configuration you want to release.

  2. Click the "Preview" button to view what dispatches will be included in the Wave based on the current selection.

  3. Click the "Create" button.

  4. Click the "OK" button to create the pick waves and allocate the stock. 

  5. A confirmation message will be displayed that “Pick Waves, successfully created”.

  6. Generate Documents needed.


pick Release.gif

Pick Release by Configurations

Pick Release by Configuration is quicker option because it only loads the Wave configuration you choose from the selection.

Logistics → Wave Picking → Pick Release by Configuration

  • Select a Client from the drop down.

  • Select the Wave Configuration

  • Choose a release method. This method determines the order of dispatches for picking.

SKU release method helps improve efficiency.

Date release method makes sure that older dispatches are not overlooked, even if all dispatches can’t be completed in a day.

  • Enter the maximum number of dispatches for this pick release.

  • Click the "Preview" button to view what dispatches will be included in the Wave based on the current selection.

  • Click the "Create" button.

  • Click the "OK" button to create the pick waves and allocate the stock. 

  • A confirmation message will be displayed that “Pick Waves, successfully created”.

  • Generate Documents needed.


WP-Pick Release by config.gif

“Lot No.” field is an optional text box in Pick Release Configuration.

When user fill out the Lot No. field, wave created is based on the Lot No entered and only the stock with that Lot No. will be allocated to the Wave.


Pick Release History

Logistics → Wave Picking → Pick Release History

  • "All" tab will display the latest pick releases in the DC.

  • “To be Printed” Tab - Generate documents for Wave with “Complete” Document Generation Status (See figure 1-TBP)

  • "Active" tab will display the pick releases where the waves for a pick release are still active.

  • "Complete" tab will display the pick releases where all the waves for a pick release have been completed.

  • "Closed" tab will display the pick releases where all the waves for a pick release have been closed using the "Close Wave" process.

Click the "Expand / Collapse" grid command to view the "Waves" for the selected Pick Release.

To Generate Documents, select Pick release number and Click PRINT button.




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