WMS - Wave Picking Configuration
Wave Configurations
Logistics → Wave Picking → Wave Configurations
Lists all Wave Configurations for each client in the DC
Filter and export data as needed
Compare different Wave Configurations: Select configurations you want to compare and click on ‘Show Highlighted’ button (appears when there is highlighted configs to compare)
Client Wave Configurations
Logistics → Wave Picking → Client Wave Configurations
Lists all the wave configurations for a Client, arranged in sequence.
To change the order, just drag and drop the configurations and Click Save button.
If a configuration is currently being used in a wave, it will be ‘Edit Locked’ and no changes can be made (no EDIT icon visible)
Create New Wave Configuration
Navigate to Logistics → Wave Picking → Client Wave Configurations
Select a Client from the drop down
Click on the "Create New" button
Enter Required fields:
3a. "Configuration Code" to identify this new Wave Configuration (must be unique)
3b. "Description" to describe this new Wave Configuration.
3c. “Dispatches Per Wave” refers to the set number of dispatches that each wave can hold. Each wave should be paired with a specially designed trolley or picking container that fits its specific requirement.
Enter Optional fields which will Group waves by:
4a. Service Group Name- Group dispatches by Service group (Integrated Carrier) for wave picking.
4b. NI Carrier Group Name - Group dispatches by the Non-integrated carrier group for wave picking.
4c. Non Standard Requirement - Set to “Yes” to group dispatches that hold a ‘Non-standard Requirement’ (NSR), such as Engraving, Case Printing, Packing Instructions, Embossing, Personalization.
*NSR is enabled per Client via backend.
4d. Total Units In Dispatch Min/Total Units In Dispatch Max - Group dispatches by total units. Enter the minimum and maximum number of units in a dispatch to be included in the wave.
4e. No. of Lines In Dispatch Min/No. of Lines In Dispatch Max - Group dispatches by number of lines or items. Enter the minimum and maximum number of lines/items in a dispatch to be included in the wave.
4f. Order Type - Group dispatches by the type of order (Standard, Web, Expedited, Ecom Cross Dock)
4g. Group Reference - (Free text) Input Group reference that is same as the the Group reference included in the Loading of Sales Order. This will easily Group dispatches in a wave.
Set Special/other Requirements (Optional):
5a. Build Kit - Select Yes / No / Not Set
"Yes" will only include dispatches that have Kits to be built AND should match the other properties set within the current configuration.
"No" will only include dispatches that have NO kits AND should match the other properties set within the current configuration
Not set - then dispatches will be included regardless if they contain kits to be built or not.
5b. Cluster Pick - Toggle Yes or No
If Toggled Yes, the “No. of SKUs field” is enabled. If Multiple SKUs need to be cluster picked, different wave numbers will be created for each SKU.
Toggle Yes or No option for Cluster Pack is enabled only if Cluster Pick is set to “YES”
Toggle Yes or No option for Auto Print is enabled only if Cluster Pack is set to “YES”
5d. Gift Card
If Set to “Yes”, these fields must be included in the Load Sales Order:
Gift Message To, Gift Message From, Gift Message
5e. Reverse Sort Order
Set to “Yes” will enable stock to be allocated in reverse location sort order (highest to lowest).
Default Stock Location is lowest to highest sort order.
5f. Star
"Yes" will only include dispatches that have been marked with a star AND match the other properties set within the current configuration.
"No" will only include dispatches that have NOT been marked with a star AND match the other properties set within the current configuration
“Not set” both starred and unstarred dispatches will be included that match the properties set within the current configuration.
5g. Bot
Toggle Yes means wave picking will be done by Robots and will disable the PRINT buttons (No documents to generate)
5h. Multi Zone Pick
set to “Yes” it will allocate dispatch across different zones
set to “No” dispatch must be in one of the zones defined for the configuration.
5i. Find Stock Outside Zones
No (default): on “SKIP”, the system will only look for stock within the ZONES set for the Wave Configuration.
Yes: on “SKIP”, the system will first look for stock within the ZONES set. If it doesn’t find any, it will then look for stock anywhere in the warehouse. This means the stock for the Wave isn’t limited to your set zones, but this could lead to more SKIPs if a short ship is required.
Click the "Save" button to create this new Wave Configuration.