CW1 Integrations with Bansard

CW1 Integrations with Bansard

Below is a list of current integrations with Bansard. To report any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at the IT Portal.

Current Integrations (click to jump):

  • New! Bansard China to US

CN-US Trade Lane for Air/Ocean

As of April 17, 2023 For pre-alert sent from legacy Bansard China, SEKO US shall find related shipment & consol in SEKO CW1, NO need to create a file manually. In case SEKO US cannot find related shipment, or shipment data is not correct, they can send email to qc.apac@bansard.com.cn

US-FR Trade Lane for Air/Ocean

As of May 13, 2022 we have been receiving electronic files from Bansard France to the U.S. Additionally, for exports to France, these files will be sent electronically to Bansard.

When is the file sent and what is included:

  • The file is transmitted to Bansard France whenever the pre-alert or manifest is delivered.

    Consol > Documents > Departure > Document Pack > SEKO Consol Agent Pack (SEA) <Customized>

    Consol > Documents > Departure > Agent Departure Notice.

  • Note that the receiving agent on your consolidation must be a Bansard France organization.

  • The eDocs being sent to Bansard include any of the following, so be sure to upload whichever documents are applicable to your file prior to sending the pre-alert to Bansard:


  • For files created after September 13, 2022, a milestone will be present on your consolidation to show if the file was communicated to Bansard electronically. To confirm it was sent, search for an actual start date against the milestone titled “E2E File Sent to Bansard France”

Locating Inbound Files:

If you are in the U.S. and you have received a pre-alert from Bansard for a FR-US file, you can search to see if the file was electronically created using the below search filter in the Consolidations module.

VN-All Trade Lanes for Air/Ocean

For files created after December 14, 2022, we are beginning to send all Bansard locations files from the SEKO Vietnam location, and Bansard will be sending files to our VN office.

When is the file sent and what is included:

  • The file is transmitted to Bansard France whenever the pre-alert or manifest is delivered.

    • Consol > Documents > Departure > Document Pack > SEKO Consol Agent Pack (SEA) <Customized>

    • Consol > Documents > Departure > Agent Departure Notice.

  • Note: If you need to re-trigger this, put a new actual date against the milestone “E2E File Sent: VN to Bansard”. This milestone loads on files with an exporting country of VN where the sending forwarder is SEKLOGHC1 and the receiving forwarder is a Bansard org.

  • Note that the receiving agent on your consolidation must be a Bansard organization. To determine whether the Bansard organization is configured for E2E, look in the Organizations module using the filter titled “Bansard E2E locations”. If you need to send a file to a code not in this list, please raise a helpdesk ticket with the code you need.

  • The eDocs being sent to Bansard include any of the following, so be sure to upload whichever documents are applicable to your file prior to sending the pre-alert to Bansard:


GB-FR Trade Lane for Road

As of September 13, 2022, we are now receiving and sending road files from Bansard France to SEKO U.K.

When is the file sent and what is included:

  • The file is transmitted to Bansard France whenever the actual departure is entered.

  • Note that the receiving agent on your consolidation must be a Bansard France organization.

  • The eDocs being sent to Bansard include any of the following, so be sure to upload whichever documents are applicable to your file prior to sending the pre-alert to Bansard. Most notably on road files, Bansard is looking for CIV, PKL and CMR.


  • For files created after September 13, 2022, a milestone will be present on your consolidation to show if the file was communicated to Bansard electronically. To confirm it was sent, search for an actual start date against the milestone titled “E2E File Sent to Bansard France”

Locating Inbound Files:

If you are in the U.S. and you have received a pre-alert from Bansard for a FR-US file, you can search to see if the file was electronically created using the below search filter in the Consolidations module.

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