CW1 Master Data Management: Organizations

CW1 Master Data Management: Organizations


CW1 Master Data Management: Organizations


Hello All!


Changes are being made to the way that we manage our data in CW1.


“Master Data” is defined as records that we use more than once in the system – such as Organizations.

Ensuring that these reusable records are set up well enables better reporting, intelligence, and decision making.

It also prevents duplicate files, or ambiguity, when loading data to the system.


What does this mean for me?


From Wednesday May 17th 2023:


  1. Staff will ONLY be able to create new “temporary” Organizations – including Consignors and Consignees.


  1. Staff will still be able to add new addresses and contacts to currently existing Organizations (which we encourage).


  1. The new process will include a standard form, which will be published to the Service Desk for requests for new organizations to be created. A link will be published globally in the near future


  1. Finance staff at every company will have access to add AR and AP detail to Organizations. When an organization is created, if the request includes a need for AR / AP configuration this will be forwarded to the relevant country team.



So, who WILL be able to create proper Organizations?


A new centralized Master Data Management Team has been tasked with creating new organizations, converting temporary organizations to new organizations and data clean-up of existing organization data. They will service all time zones, with the overriding principle that our business will be supported quickly as needed.


This team will ensure standards are maintained – for example Organization hierarchies:


  1. Global Suppliers (notably Carriers) will only have a single Organisation record.


  1. There will be one Organisation for a given entity per Country unless there are reasonable exceptions (such as unique tax registrations for a single client across multiple Organisation records).


  1. All Customer records will have a Controlling Customer assigned.


More rules will apply – these, and more general detail, will be shared over the coming few weeks.


These changes are a necessity to ensure robust foundations for our data and intelligence as we continue to grow. If you have any concerns or considerations – please contact us here:


INTL Corporate Support





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