WMS - Receiving List

WMS - Receiving List

Navigate to Logistics → Inventory → Receiving List

Receiving List sub-menu loads 5 Tabs. You will be able to SEARCH, SORT, FILTER, & EXPORT DATA in all tabs.

receiving list.gif


Receive ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice)

All” Tab - Displays all ASN or Deliveries added in the System according to search filter used. You can also create ASN/Add delivery here.

There are two ways to Create ASN:

  1. Client Upload via iHub → Load Receipts

  2. DC Create ASN or Add Delivery via Seko 360 Interface

2.1 Add Delivery (or Navigate to Inventory → Add Delivery Sub menu)



Goods Arrive in Warehouse

To Arrive” Tab - Shows deliveries with ASN

View/Edit, Export Line items, Delete deliveries and confirm Goods arrival.

Select Deliveries and Click “ARRIVE” button. Item selected will move to “To GRN” tab.

Goods Receiving

To GRN” Tab - Shows deliveries Arrived in DC for Receiving and Put away.

You can Filter Delivery Type (Standard or Return) in the search panel.

View/Edit, Export Line items, Delete deliveries, “Unarrive” Deliveries and Batch GRN. You can also print box label in the Batch GRN window.

Receive via Mobile app/scanner:

Mobile Menu> Deliveries> Receive by LPN

Mobile Menu> Deliveries> Receive by SKU

Put Away Goods in Bin Boxes

In Progress” Tab - Shows deliveries that are “Put away complete” and to Confirm delivery

“Put-Away” is the process of removing incoming goods/deliveries from the location where it is received to the final storage area and recording the movement and identification of the storage location where it has been placed. If done manually this requires the operator to find bins which require replenishment.

via Mobile app/scanner:

Mobile Menu> Deliveries> Put Away

If Receiving and Put away is done via mobile, scanning, “GRN complete” and “Put Away” complete confirmation will be done in this tab.


GRN (Goods Received Notification) Confirmation

Confirmed” Tab - Once “confirm” button is clicked from the “In-progress” tab, items will move to this tab and GRN confirmation sent to Client via Push Notification.

These are the items that will appear in stock reports as Available stock.