WMS - Non-Standard Requirement Guide

WMS - Non-Standard Requirement Guide

Non-Standard Requirement is a Special feature that are specific to a particular Client.

They address unique needs, customization, or enhancements beyond the standard features.

Non Standard Requirement Type

Below NSRs are available in Seko 360 WMS

  • Gift Card

  • Embossing

  • Packing Instructions

  • Shirt Personalization

  • Engraving

  • Embroidery

  • Account Number

  • Case Printing

Steps for using NSR feature


  1. Enabling NSR Feature:

    • Client request for a particular Non Standard Requirement Type.

    • Enabling of this feature is done in backend. Ask for customer support assistance.

  2. Loading Sales Orders / Web Sales Orders:

    • Once NSR is enabled for a Client, “OrderLineMessage” field should be filled out when Loading sales orders or Web sales orders in the iHub.

    • This message should contain any non-standard requirements specific to that order. For example, special handling instructions, custom packaging, or unique delivery instructions.

  3. Dispatch Creation:

    • When a dispatch is created from the sales order, Seko 360 will apply any necessary adjustments or special handling based on the Non-Standard Requirements specified in the “OrderLineMessage”.

Examples of “OrderLineMessage”


“OrderLineMessage” is the notes and insrtruction column to be filled out in the Load Sales Order/Load Web Sales Order template.


Non Standard Requirement Type


Client 1


ZB; Modern; Metallic Silver

Client 2

Packing Instructions

Pink Pouch x1

Client 3

Shirt Personalisation


Client 4

Account Number


Client Wave Configuration

In Client Wave Configuration screen:

  1. Select Yes for Non Standard Requirement

  1. Select Yes for Gift Card if this is the Client’s Non Standard Requirement Type


Gift Cards

Message Settings/Generic Print

  1. Document Page Size

The default for this is to be printed as a portrait but by setting the ‘Document Page Size’ to ‘Custom Landscape’ allows the User to print this as landscape.

Navigate to Menu Admin → Document → Document Management



  1. Message character Maximum Length - Allowable length is 1000 characters but Client can Ask for customer service assistance for the preferred length based on the document size to be Printed. This will be set in the backend.

Sales Order Line Message

For Gift Cards, Additional fields should be filled out in Loading the Sales order in the iHub.

These fields are:

  • GiftMessage

  • GiftMessageFrom

  • GiftMessageTo

Print Gift Message

Once Wave Picking and Web Order Packing is Complete, Gift Cards can be printed.

Click “Print Gift Message” button to Generate Gift Card.



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