WMS - Wave Document Exceptions
Navigate to Logistics → Wave Picking → Wave Document Exceptions
Wave Document Exceptions feature allows users to monitor any issues related to generating “system-generated documents” for a wave.
Users can also identify documents that need to be regenerated due to errors or other issues.
Re-generate Documents:
If an exception occurs during the initial attempt to generate system-generated documents for a wave, users have the ability to try again.
They can do this by clicking on the “Generate” icon in the grid.
Document Status
“Regenerate” Document status happens when:
Pre-allocated Dispatch of wave is re-packed to new or multiple boxes.
Dispatch quantities are manually adjusted after carrier label pre-allocation.
“Exception” Document status happens when:
encountered connection failure
out of memory exception
unexpected system error
Client must be using “Integrated Dispatch Note“
Sales Order used must be Pre-allocated